5.4. Supplementary library for advanced users.
1. Subroutines for work with
buttons.subroutine SendMessageToVFCButton(WndNumber,ButtonNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret) integer*4 WndNumber,ButtonNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with VFC controls. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where button is placed; ButtonNumber - (input) number of the button; message,wparam,lparam - (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function. Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in Win32 Platform SDK ) for details. iret - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function. Remark: Button must be created before using of this function. subroutine GetVFCButtonHandle(WndNumber,ButtonNumber,ButtonHandle) integer*4 WndNumber,ButtonNumber,ButtonHandle Purpose: retrieves the button handle. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where button is placed; ButtonNumber - (input) number of the button; ButtonHandle - (output) handle of the button. ButtonHandle = 0, if request failed. Remark: Button must be created before using of this function. You can use the received handle in "standard" functions from Win32 API. |
2. Subroutines for work with static
controls. subroutine
SetVFCStaticCaption(WndNumber,StaticNumber,text_string) subroutine
ClearVFCStaticCaption(WndNumber,StaticNumber) subroutine
GetVFCStaticHandle(WndNumber,StaticNumber,StaticHandle) subroutine WriteRealToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string) integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber character*(*) fmt_string real*4 value Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as static control caption. Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed; StaticNumber - (input) number of the static control; value - (input) value for displaying; fmt_string - (input) string with format specifications, for example, fmt_string = "(f10.3)". Remark: Static control must be created before using of this function. subroutine
WriteRealToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value) subroutine
WriteDRealToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string) subroutine
WriteDRealToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value) subroutine
WriteIntegerToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string) subroutine
WriteIntegerToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value) subroutine
SendMessageToVFCStatic(WndNumber,StaticNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret) Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with VFC controls. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed; StaticNumber - (input) number of the static control; message,wparam,lparam - (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function. Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in Win32 Platform SDK ) for details. iret - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function. Remark: Static control must be created before using of this function. |
3. Subroutines for work with edit
boxes controls.subroutine SetVFCEditBoxCaption(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,text_string) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber character*(*) text_string Purpose: set the edit box caption. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; text_string - (input) text string with new caption for edit box. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine ClearVFCEditBoxCaption(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber Purpose: clear the edit box caption. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine GetVFCEditBoxHandle(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,EditBoxHandle) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,EditBoxHandle Purpose: retrieves the edit box handle. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; EditBoxHandle - (output) handle to edit box. EditBoxHandle = 0 if function failed. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteRealToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber character*(*) fmt_string real*4 value Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) value for displaying; fmt_string - (input) string with format specifications, for example, fmt_string = "(f10.3)". Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteRealToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber real*4 value Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Default output format is used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) value for displaying. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteDRealToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber character*(*) fmt_string real*8 value Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) double real value for displaying; fmt_string - (input) string with format specifications, for example, fmt_string = "(d10.3)". Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteDRealToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber real*8 value Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Default output format is used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) double real value for displaying; Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber character*(*) fmt_string integer*4 value Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) integer value for displaying; fmt_string - (input) string with format specifications, for example, fmt_string = "(i5)". Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber integer*4 value Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as edit box caption. Default output format is used in transformation. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (input) integer value for displaying; Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine SendMessageToVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with VFC controls. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; message,wparam,lparam - (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function. Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in Win32 Platform SDK ) for details. iret - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine ReadDRealFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,ierror) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror real*8 value Purpose: reads double real number from edit box control. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (output) double real value. ierror - (output) error code. = 0 - there is no error /= 0 - error encountered. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine ReadRealFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,ierror) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror real*4 value Purpose: reads real number from edit box control. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (output) real value. ierror - (output) error code. = 0 - there is no error /= 0 - error encountered. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. subroutine ReadIntegerFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ivalue,ierror) integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror integer*4 ivalue Purpose: reads integer number from edit box control. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed; EditBoxNumber - (input) number of the edit box; value - (output) integer value. ierror - (output) error code. = 0 - there is no error /= 0 - error encountered. Remark: Edit box must be created before using of this function. |
4. Subroutines for work with list
boxes controls.subroutine SetVFCDirectoryListBoxPath(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,path_string) integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber character*(*) path_string Purpose: set the path used for directory listing retrieving for listbox. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed; ListBoxNumber - (input) number of the list box; path_string - (input) string with path. Remark: You can use this function before list box creation. subroutine SendMessageToVFCListBox(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret) integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with VFC controls. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed; ListBoxNumber - (input) number of the list box; message,wparam,lparam - (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function. Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in Win32 Platform SDK ) for details. iret - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function. Remark: List box must be created before using of this function. subroutine GetVFCListBoxHandle(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,ListBoxHandle) integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,ListBoxHandle Purpose: retrieves the list box handle. Parameters: WndNumber - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed; ListBoxNumber - (input) number of the list box; ListBoxHandle - (output) handle to edit box. ListBoxHandle = 0 if function failed. Remark: List box must be created before using of this function. |