5.4. Supplementary library for advanced users.

1. Subroutines for work with buttons.

subroutine SendMessageToVFCButton(WndNumber,ButtonNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret)
integer*4 WndNumber,ButtonNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret

Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with
         VFC controls.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where button is placed;
         ButtonNumber             - (input) number of the button;
         message,wparam,lparam    -  (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function.
                                   Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in 
                                   Win32 Platform SDK ) for details.
         iret                       - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function.
         Button must be created before using of this function.

subroutine GetVFCButtonHandle(WndNumber,ButtonNumber,ButtonHandle)
integer*4 WndNumber,ButtonNumber,ButtonHandle

Purpose: retrieves the button handle.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where button is placed;
         ButtonNumber             - (input) number of the button;
         ButtonHandle              - (output) handle of the button. ButtonHandle = 0, if
                                   request failed.
         Button must be created before using of this function. You can use the received handle
         in "standard" functions from Win32 API.


2. Subroutines for work with static controls.

subroutine SetVFCStaticCaption(WndNumber,StaticNumber,text_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
character*(*) text_string

Purpose: set the static control caption.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber              - (input) number of the static control;
         text_string                - (input) text string with new caption for static control.
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine ClearVFCStaticCaption(WndNumber,StaticNumber)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber

Purpose: clear the static control caption.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber              - (input) number of the static control;
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine GetVFCStaticHandle(WndNumber,StaticNumber,StaticHandle)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber,StaticHandle

Purpose: retrieves the static control handle.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber              - (input) number of the static control;
         StaticHandle               - (output) handle to static control. StaticHandle = 0 if function
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteRealToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
real*4 value

Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) value for displaying;
         fmt_string      - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                   fmt_string = "(f10.3)".
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteRealToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
real*4 value

Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) value for displaying;
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteDRealToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
real*8 value

Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) double real value for displaying;
         fmt_string      - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                   fmt_string = "(d10.3)".
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteDRealToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
real*8 value

Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) double real value for displaying;
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCStaticAsFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
integer*4 value

Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) integer value for displaying;
         fmt_string      - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                   fmt_string = "(i5)".
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCStaticUnFormatted(WndNumber,StaticNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber
integer*4 value

Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as static control caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber    - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber   - (input) number of the static control;
         value              - (input) integer value for displaying;
         Static control must be created before using of this function.

subroutine SendMessageToVFCStatic(WndNumber,StaticNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret)
integer*4 WndNumber,StaticNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret

Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with
         VFC controls.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where static control is placed;
         StaticNumber             - (input) number of the static control;
         message,wparam,lparam    -  (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function.
                                   Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in 
                                   Win32 Platform SDK ) for details.
         iret                       - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function.
         Static control must be created before using of this function.


3. Subroutines for work with edit boxes controls.

subroutine SetVFCEditBoxCaption(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,text_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
character*(*) text_string

Purpose: set the edit box caption.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber            - (input) number of the edit box;
         text_string                - (input) text string with new caption for edit box.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine ClearVFCEditBoxCaption(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber

Purpose: clear the edit box caption.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber            - (input) number of the edit box.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine GetVFCEditBoxHandle(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,EditBoxHandle)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,EditBoxHandle

Purpose: retrieves the edit box handle.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber            - (input) number of the edit box;
         EditBoxHandle             - (output) handle to edit box. EditBoxHandle = 0 if function
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteRealToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
real*4 value

Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber      - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) value for displaying;
         fmt_string          - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                      fmt_string = "(f10.3)".
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteRealToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
real*4 value

Purpose: transforms real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber       - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) value for displaying.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteDRealToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
real*8 value

Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber      - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber  - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) double real value for displaying;
         fmt_string          - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                   fmt_string = "(d10.3)".
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteDRealToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
real*8 value

Purpose: transforms double real number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber        - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) double real value for displaying;
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCEditBoxAsFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,fmt_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
character*(*) fmt_string
integer*4 value

Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Standard formatting rules for FORTRAN output are used in transformation.
         WndNumber      - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber  - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) integer value for displaying;
         fmt_string          - (input) string with format specifications, for example,
                                   fmt_string = "(i5)".
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine WriteIntegerToVFCEditBoxUnFormatted(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber
integer*4 value

Purpose: transforms integer number into character string and uses it as edit box caption.
          Default output format is used in transformation.
         WndNumber        - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (input) integer value for displaying;
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine SendMessageToVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret

Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with
         VFC controls.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber           - (input) number of the edit box;
         message,wparam,lparam    -  (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function.
                                   Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in 
                                   Win32 Platform SDK ) for details.
         iret                       - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine ReadDRealFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,ierror)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror
real*8 value

Purpose: reads double real number from edit box control.
         WndNumber        - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (output) double real value.
         ierror              - (output) error code.
                                    = 0  - there is no error
                                    /= 0  -  error encountered.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine ReadRealFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,value,ierror)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror
real*4 value

Purpose: reads real number from edit box control.
         WndNumber        - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (output) real value.
         ierror              - (output) error code.
                                    = 0  - there is no error
                                    /= 0  -  error encountered.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine ReadIntegerFromVFCEditBox(WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ivalue,ierror)
integer*4 WndNumber,EditBoxNumber,ierror
integer*4 ivalue

Purpose: reads integer number from edit box control.
         WndNumber        - (input) number of the window, where edit box is placed;
         EditBoxNumber   - (input) number of the edit box;
         value              - (output) integer value.
         ierror              - (output) error code.
                                    = 0  - there is no error
                                    /= 0  -  error encountered.
         Edit box must be created before using of this function.


4. Subroutines for work with list boxes controls.
subroutine SetVFCDirectoryListBoxPath(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,path_string)
integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber
character*(*) path_string

Purpose: set the path used for directory listing retrieving for listbox.
         WndNumber          - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed;
         ListBoxNumber   - (input) number of the list box;
         path_string           - (input) string with path.
         You can use this function before list box creation.

subroutine SendMessageToVFCListBox(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,message,wparam,lparam,iret)
integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,message,lparam,wparam,iret

Purpose: this is the wrapper to standard Win32 API function SendMessage, modified for using with
         VFC controls.
         WndNumber                  - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed;
         ListBoxNumber               - (input) number of the list box;
         message,wparam,lparam    -  (input) parameters used with standard Win32 API function.
                                   Look at SendMessage description in Win32 SDK ( or in 
                                   Win32 Platform SDK ) for details.
         iret                       - (output) return code from Win32 API SendMessage function.
         List box must be created before using of this function.

subroutine GetVFCListBoxHandle(WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,ListBoxHandle)
integer*4 WndNumber,ListBoxNumber,ListBoxHandle

Purpose: retrieves the list box handle.
         WndNumber               - (input) number of the window, where list box is placed;
         ListBoxNumber            - (input) number of the list box;
         ListBoxHandle             - (output) handle to edit box. ListBoxHandle = 0 if function
         List box must be created before using of this function.